
Board-level Cyber Crisis Management

Effective crisis management is critical for your organisation to remain resilient if a major cyber incident or data breach strikes. Depending on the severity of the event, both the board and the executive may have key roles to play. Being well prepared before critical incidents occur is vital.

At Blueprint, we understand cybersecurity is an increasing concern for boards and that many organisations are not yet fully equipped to deal with the issues. We can work directly with the board and management to help your organisation prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber attacks and data breaches.

We can help boards:

  • develop cyber crisis management plans that clearly define the roles of the board and management;
  • conduct cybersecurity crisis management exercises;
  • ensure management has appropriate risk management systems, crisis management plans and business continuity systems in place;
  • conduct reviews of current security policies and controls to ensure they are fit for purpose;
  • embed cybersecurity in board and organisational culture.

Our approach is targeted to your particular organisation, whether you are an ASX-listed company, SME or Not-For-Profit.